Chapter 28: You Are A Child Worthy Of Love

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Published by LILAC Novels

Just a group of friends translating novels.

4 thoughts on “Chapter 28: You Are A Child Worthy Of Love

  1. Thank you so much for this chapter even though you’re busy!! That poor kidlet. I have big questions on how Aillete believes they are so poor if the family not only sends them a stipend, but her blood is also being sold off. I wonder what will happen to the step-dad. That’s a huge family secret being sold on the black market. It would be crazy if the poison in the food that MC ingested last time was actually Ailette’s blood.
    Now, at first I thought MC would declare to Theodore that they should adopt Ailette. But now I’m wondering if it would actually be better for Seci to. She lost her husband and daughter while Ailette lost her father. They both miss their departed family dearly and feel the guilt of their curse being the agent of death. If they are both open to it, I think they could be really good for each other.

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    1. That would be good considering that the MC is still planning to divorce Theodore. Adopting a kid and after abandon her would be the worst for her situation.

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