Chapter 31: It’s My Blood.

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Published by LILAC Novels

Just a group of friends translating novels.

7 thoughts on “Chapter 31: It’s My Blood.

  1. Thank you so much for the chapter. I wasn’t expecting it so soon. Thanks again!
    And, no trying to be picky, you really do an amazing job every time, but I think there’s a mistake in this sentence:

    It was now that I understood why Finneas had taken the young Finneas and Selphius to a faraway place.

    I think the second Finneas is supposed to be Ailette’s name.


  2. thank you so much for the translation!! ❤ All of the family members protecting and to along care of Ailette is so cute. I started reading the manhwa but the vibe there was way more serious and didn't have the same family fluff, cute relationships, and family caring/protection as the novel (probably for the sake of the manhwa having a better/more realistic storyline). but I just want the fluff and warmth so thank you again for still taking the time and effort to translate~ I hope school is going alright~


  3. I really love this story. One of my favorite novels so far. Thank you for translating.

    I started by reading the manhwa but the novel is much better, and so very different.


  4. I am trying to improve my English
    And the novel piqued my interest…
    Can I join you to translate the rest..?!
    I hope to be able to communicate with you about this


  5. Thanks for the chapter! I wondered as soon as it was mentioned that the pill contained a red liquid “poison.” It also explains why our MC was okay. She revives from curses but not necessarily poison. I wonder if this was related to Selphius’ curse going out of control for a bit. He might have eaten the blood too and it made his curse painfully unstable. I can’t quite remember the timing of when this happened though (if it was after the food was poisoned).


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