Chapter 22: Your Waist Will Hurt If You Play Hard At Night

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Published by LILAC Novels

Just a group of friends translating novels.

4 thoughts on “Chapter 22: Your Waist Will Hurt If You Play Hard At Night

  1. I think she’s on to something. I don’t think it’s just the fact that she died once before, I think it’s the fact that she died to a curse. Either lingering effects from that curse are counteracting this curse, or her constitution actually negates curses after the curse has run its course. This family’s blood kills her instantly, which is maybe why she just wakes up again almost right away with her body in good condition. The curse her “family” placed on her slowly sapped her strength and killed her over time. Maybe her body was too far gone at that point to restore so she actually woke up at a point before she’d been cursed? Like just before her marriage? By comparison, there’s nothing wrong with her body after ingesting blood, she simply dies (in pain) to the curse and then wakes up like the pain and death never happened. At least, those are my current theories.

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    1. Yeah, I was also thinking that the previous curse is what’s keeping the Lapileon curse from keeping her dead (since she does die, it just doesn’t stick). It’s good that she’s at least thinking along those lines, although she should probably bring up the curse that originally killed her at some point. It would also be nice if the author would explain what made her come back in the first place.


  2. Hello~
    Thank you for the chapter.
    I don’t have any theories about her immunity. If I had to guess something, I would think maybe her biological family had something to do with it? We know nothing about them but her father sounds suspicious for me.
    Or maybe it’s the inconsistencies between the manwha and the novel that makes me doubtful.
    I don’t know ~


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