Chapter Twelve

Starting with the heavy tiara, my clothes were removed one by one until I was shivering because of the air.

“The weather is still pretty cold.”

Cool wind blew through the windows. Wanting to hurry into the hot water, I dipped a toe into the tub, but for some reason it wasn’t hot at all.

“Could you heat up the water?”

“I apologize. This is the amount of hot water the Lily Palace is currently rationed.”

“Isn’t this going too far, since it’s the first night I’m spending with the Emperor?

“I apologize, Miss Silver Lily.”

Watching the maid bow her head, I couldn’t help but sigh.

I knew this would happen. I could tell something was off the moment Madame Chunet started disrespecting me.

Even though I was their master, the one who actually held the power was Madame Chunet—the Head Maid. She belonged to a county, while rumors that I was a commoner were already spreading.

To make matters worse, as a relative of Duke Valkirino, she received his support.

It must be confusing for the other maids to watch the Head Maid tacitly look down on me, who’d become the Queen as the Duke’s adopted daughter.

There was a strong possibility that the Duchy told them to prioritize Madame Chunet over me.

“Oh well. Since it’s cold, let’s hurry and wash up so we can leave.”

I ended up half-heartedly rushing to begin the bath. 

Because the water was becoming increasingly colder, my hands and feet were freezing, and my head was on the verge of aching.

I wanted to get it done quickly so I could leave, but the maids’ hands were very slow, causing me to get annoyed.

“Please hurry—actually, no. Everyone, get out. I’ll finish it myself.”

Eventually, I tried to send them away and finish it on my own.

However, everyone hesitated and didn’t put the bucket of water down.

“Why are you just standing there instead of leaving?”

“…The Head Maid ordered us to tend to you until it was done,” said a cute-looking child with her brown hair tied up high.

Usually, there were rules ensuring that all maids had the same kind of hairstyle. So the fact that she had a different hairstyle meant she wasn’t a low-class maid, but rather, a maid with autonomy and position.

She was probably the rank below the Head Maid, which meant she was in the same group as Madame Chunet.

“What’s your name?”


“Your name, name.”

She must’ve been taken aback by me suddenly asking for her name, as she couldn’t answer right away and avoided my gaze.

“W-Why are you asking for my name…”

“Considering you’ll be tending to me from now on, we’re a family. Don’t you think I need to know your name?”

After saying that, I forced the corners of my lips up and smiled.

It felt like the sides of my mouth were trembling, since I was freezing to death while trying to force a smile. While I was hoping they couldn’t tell, a reply came.

“Uh… I’m Mary.”

“Ah, you must be the Emile Viscounty’s youngest daughter.”


I didn’t know the Emile Viscounty was on Valkirino’s side.

“So, Mary. Who did you come to the palace to be a maid for?”

I asked Mary, who was begrudgingly answering me.

“It was… Miss Silver Lily.”

“Then I’ll say it once more. Get out, Mary. All of you as well.”

As I repeated this firmly with my gaze fixed onto Mary, the other maids flinched. She was probably the person acting as their leader.

“Mary, why are you not following my order?”

She bit her lip in response to my words, which left no room for talking back.

“…I’ll receive your order.”

Bowing her head, she took the other maids with her and left the washroom.

Since Madame Chunet was quick at situational decision-making, it wasn’t too obvious.

But Mary’s emotions were transparent. Seeing how clearly she regarded Madame Chunet as more important than me, the thought that she’d be pretty easy to deal with came to mind.

“Haa… What a tiresome day.”

I felt a sudden wave of dizziness as I watched the water, which had lost all its heat, splashing around.

There was so much to do from here on out.

I have to covertly yet definitively let Hadel know that I was Ashella.

It wouldn’t be easy, seeing as I had to act in a way unsuspicious to Madame Chunet and all the other spies from the Duchy.

If that was the case, first of all…

“I need to get rid of some of them.”

Since it didn’t seem like my timid husband Hadel would come find me immediately, I had to prepare myself so I could move around whenever I wanted to, from this side.

* * *

“Mary. Why is everyone out here without Miss Silver Lily?”

“Ah, Head Maid.”

Seeing Mary come out of the washroom, Madame Chunet asked a sharp question.

Briefly glaring at the washroom where Ashella was, Mary quickly rushed toward Madame Chunet.

“Miss Silver Lily abruptly forced us all to leave! She got angry all of a sudden and said it was an order, so we couldn’t stay there any longer.”

“…Is that so?”

Madame Chunet narrowed her eyes to determine whether or not Mary was telling the truth.

Though she was using Mary because she listened to her and obediently followed her orders, the girl tended to exaggerate things, so it was important to filter what she said.

“It’d be more comfortable for her to receive help while washing.”

“That’s what I’m saying. She just complained that the water was cold.”


Seeing Madame Chunet’s uncomfortable expression, Mary got excited and opened her mouth again.

“Honestly, she’s just a queen in name—in reality, she’s just leftovers, right? She should be thankful she rose from her status as a commoner. How dare she order us around with her head held high as if she actually amounts to something?!”

“Be quiet, Mary. The others are listening.”

“Did I say something wrong? Everyone agrees with me. She’ll be lucky if she doesn’t get killed by His Majesty the Emperor!”


Madame Chunet deliberately shouted at Mary, whose words were slowly becoming excessive,  with a strict tone.

She may have internally thought the same, but at that moment, there were too many people watching and listening.

For rumors to spread of her being an elegant Madame and Head Maid, she needed to be able to control an immature maid.

Seeing Madame Chunet’s angered expression, Mary’s shoulders flinched, and her tone changed to one of reflection.

“I-I apologize. That was thoughtless of me.”

If the Silver Lily ended up being officially acknowledged as the Queen by the Emperor, Mary and all others who’d made similar comments would be executed for violating the lèse-majesté law.

However, no one here thought that Mary would be punished, because they were truly expecting the Silver Lily to soon be either killed or chased out.

“This is the Palace. Watch your mouth.”



Madame Chunet’s stern face relaxed.

An obvious smile formed on her face.

“It’s true that Miss Silver Lily isn’t used to life in the palace. Mary, you’ll need to help her a lot.”

“O-Of course!”

“The Duke is also worried about whether Miss Silver Lily is adjusting well. Do you understand what I’m saying?”

When Mary lifted her head, she saw Madame Chunet smiling gently.

The fury from earlier had completely disappeared, as if it had never been there in the first place.

Swallowing, Mary nodded her head aggressively.

“Yes, Head Maid! Leave it to me!”

Greed blazed in her pea-green eyes as she responded with emphasis.

There was only one path for the youngest daughter of a mediocre household: catching the eye of someone with power.

Madame Chunet was a veteran who’d survived in high society for a long time.

Not only was she very influential, she was also a blood relative of the Valkirino Duchy, which was very powerful.

There was no one else in this palace with such strong connections.

“Okay. I’ll look forward to it, Mary.”

In Mary’s eyes, she could picture the rose-colored path she’d walk from now on.

Everyone was jealous of Mary, since there was no way Queen Silver Lily would ever receive the Emperor’s love.

* * *


I could feel goosebumps forming as I shivered.

It must’ve been because I’d washed in cold water, but I kept sneezing.

“I want to quickly get a warm blanket and lie down…”

Although I’d washed myself off crazily fast after sending the maids out, I unfortunately was still unable to go to my bed—Madame Chunet had dryly said I had to wait because she hadn’t finished preparing the room.

After trembling, sneezing several times, and sniffing up my snot, Madame Chunet finally called for me.

“Goshhh, it’s so cold. I’m going to lie down for a bit, Madame Chunet.”

I slipped into the bed and wrapped myself in blankets.

Exhausted, I could feel sleep coming to me.

But my goodness. Madame Chunet must’ve been displeased about something again, for she started shaking her head with a stern face.

“You can’t sleep yet. The day hasn’t completely dawned, and His Majesty might come.”

I told you there’s no way That Majesty would do that.

Anyway, you’ve been thinking I’d die by the Emperor’s hand all this time, so why do you keep saying he might come find me?

“If That Majesty comes, wake me up. I’ll take a quick rest for now.”

Without waiting for a response from Madame Chunet, I buried myself into the blankets.

Luckily, the blankets, at least, were soft and okay for use.

Right when my eyes closed and I was about to fall asleep…

“…Miss Silver Lily.”

“Ahhh, please! I’m so tired.”

Why does this woman keep doing this to me?

Did she receive an order from the Duke to completely annoy me?? Hm? Is that it? 

“You need to wake up.”

“I told you I’d rest for a bit.”

“He’s arrived.”

“Just a bit… Huh?”

“His Majesty has arrived. Please get up.”


Just like that, my eyes suddenly opened.

What did you just say?

The most timid boy in the universe came to find me right away?

Published by LILAC Novels

Just a group of friends translating novels.

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